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“As a livery yard owner, the support from the EEA has been invaluable in the employment of our staff and the efficient running of the business.”

Day Dressage

EEA Member

“We decided we were going to do things differently, I just wasn't always sure how to do it! The EEA has all the solutions to employing staff legally.”

D & L Performance Horses

EEA Member

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The Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) is the organisation for you if you employ staff in the equestrian industry.

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Good Employment Week 2020

5th November 2020
Main News Image

The third annual Good Employment Week is taking place from 16 - 22 November 2020.

The Equestrian Employers Association's (EEA) Good Employment Week is setting the standard on a 'New Normal' for our industry.

The campaign will raise awareness of what Good Employment looks like and promote positive employment.

With a key message of supporting and educating both employers and grooms, never before has this week been more important.

We understand that running a business can be hard and so throughout the week we will draw attention to lots of the business tools available to support and protect your business. In addition there will be the launch of a new toolkit which has been developed this year.

As a brilliant employer, Good Employment Week is something that you can get involved in on Friday 20th November  for the return of Give Your Staff a Pizza Day.

Save the date and get your team together to say a big thank you with a socially distanced pizza.

Click here for regular updates on Good Employment Week.




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