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The EEA urges all employers to check that they have liability insurance

30th September 2020
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Following a recent legal case where a groom had a life-changing injury and received £75,000 from their employers personal funds, the Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) is urging everyone to check that they have Employer’s Liability Insurance.

Employer’s Liability Insurance is a legal requirement and protects both the employer and the employee in case of an accident in the workplace.

“If the employer doesn’t have Employer’s Liability Insurance, and the employee has an accident - particularly if it was life-changing, the solicitor would be reliant on recovering damages directly from the employer. As the settlement would be taken from the employer’s personal funds, this would significantly impact on their assets. 

This creates both a risk to the employee of not having a proper recourse to recover damages for an injury at work and a risk to the employer as they could be sued personally rather than being indemnified by an insurer. 

This is why Employer’s Liability Insurance is a legal requirement, and the minimum amount of cover is £5million.”

Lucy Katan, Executive Director of the Equestrian Employers Association

The EEA also asks employers to be aware of their workers employment status as this can leave employers very vulnerable.

It is very easy to convince yourself that an accident won’t happen on your yard, but in a high-risk industry it is important to know that the financial support is there if you need it.

If your policy doesn’t cover freelance grooms then it is important that have their own liability insurance to protect themselves in the event of an accident occurring when clients’ horses are in their care.

For further information on policies for employers click here






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