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Riders Minds Mental Health Support

18th May 2020
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Mental Health Awareness Week, saw the launch of Riders Minds, a bespoke, comprehensive, online resource dedicated to supporting and improving the mental health of horse riders, across all levels.

Founded by 5* event rider Matthew Wright and his wife Victoria, Matthew openly shared his own mental ill health struggles before sadly losing his life to mental health in February 2021.

“The objective of Riders Minds is to remove the stigma of speaking out by increasing mental health awareness, understanding, and confidence amongst all riders from grassroots through to professionals.

“Having been in a few dark places myself in the past we wanted to give the wider equestrian community somewhere to get help and someone to talk to. By raising the profile of mental health and well-being people will realise they are not on their own and that it is okay not to be okay.”

Matthew Wright. May 2020

In addition to equipping individuals with skills for good mental health and managing life’s ups and downs and pressures, Riders Minds also offers a free confidential helpline available 24 hours a day.

The project is supported by British Equestrian and recognised by British Dressage, British Showjumping, British Eventing, the British Horse Society, the Pony Club and Horsescotland.

For more information to get support go to




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