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“As a livery yard owner, the support from the EEA has been invaluable in the employment of our staff and the efficient running of the business.”

Day Dressage

EEA Member

“We decided we were going to do things differently, I just wasn't always sure how to do it! The EEA has all the solutions to employing staff legally.”

D & L Performance Horses

EEA Member

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BEF Issue Latest COVID-19 Statement

23rd March 2020
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BEF update: Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and help available for equine industry businesses and employers.

"The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) would like to thank the equestrian community for their current support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These are unprecedented times for society in general and we all need to play a part in helping to manage and restrict the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Government’s messaging for social distancing, avoiding unnecessary travel and shielding is growing ever stronger in light of some individuals choosing not to adhere to the guidance. As such, our advice for the cessation of all organised equine activity remains in place in order to support Government recommendations to stay at home wherever possible.

Organised activity includes traveling your horse for lessons or schooling, having a trainer to your yard, having a lesson at a riding centre and riding in large groups.

However, we actively encourage enjoying your horse in the fresh air due to its benefits to your wellbeing and mental health, and those responsible for the care of a horse can still travel to care for and exercise them, either in an arena (preferably outdoors) or on a hack, provided you strictly follow the current Public Health England guidelines when visiting.

If you keep horses at home, please keep up with the information on hygiene. It’s also important to be aware that health services in the UK is currently stretched to capacity, so consider avoiding any activities that might carry an increased risk of injury, such as riding a fresh or young horse."

Advice and support for equestrian businesses

Advice and support for employees and freelancers



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