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Day Dressage

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“We decided we were going to do things differently, I just wasn't always sure how to do it! The EEA has all the solutions to employing staff legally.”

D & L Performance Horses

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EEA Reports a Change in Culture

13th November 2019
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The equestrian industry is seeing a change in culture as the Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) reports creating its 1,000th written employment contract.

As we enter the annual Good Employment Week, there is evidence that demonstrates a growing momentum of equestrian employers embracing correct employment practices.

The EEA’s Contract Creator was developed for employers to enable them to easily form their own bespoke written contracts, ensuring that they are legally compliant.

With research showing that only 56% grooms of employed grooms have a written statement of employment terms (contract), there is still some way to go to meet the 100% required to be in-line with other industries.

Tullis Matheson, President of the EEA said,

“The creation of the 1,000 written employment contract is a real milestone, and another step forwards to the imperative modernisation of our industry. Creating a legal and safe environment for employees is one of the essential components in allowing individuals to reach their full potential, not to mention a priority in protecting yourself and your business.”

Nick Skelton, multiple Olympian and 2016 Individual Gold medallist added, "I offer my staff a good job, they are paid well and looked after. I think it is really important to do it right. My office team used the Contract Creator; it was great and so easy.”

Carl Hester has also used the EEA's online tool for all of his staff, he said, " I would urge any employer who hasn't already done so, to use the EEA Contract Creator. It is so easy to use, and with the correct employee information can be completed quickly producing smart and bespoke written contracts."

Providing a written statement of employment terms is a legal requirement and failure to issue one puts the employer at risk.

The EEA Contract Creator is an easy-to-use free tool for all employesirs signed up to the Equestrian Employers Association, for just £37.50 per year.

Good Employment Week takes place 18-24th November 2019, with a focus on positive employment and support. 


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