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“As a livery yard owner, the support from the EEA has been invaluable in the employment of our staff and the efficient running of the business.”

Day Dressage

EEA Member

“We decided we were going to do things differently, I just wasn't always sure how to do it! The EEA has all the solutions to employing staff legally.”

D & L Performance Horses

EEA Member

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The Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) is the organisation for you if you employ staff in the equestrian industry.

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Give Your Staff a Pizza Day

31st October 2019
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As part of Good Employment Week the Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) are introducing ‘Give Your Staff a Pizza Day’.

On Friday 22nd November the EEA will be encouraging employers to order in / buy in pizza for their team as a delicious lunchtime surprise.

The aim of the day is to create awareness about positive employment and the importance of team work.

A small gesture goes a long way in making your team feel valued.

Having a positive working relationship with your team aids efficiency, loyalty and helps with retention and ultimately helps to protect your business.

To get involved on the day simply order a pizza (or two), take a picture and pop it on your social media account with the #GiveYourStaffAPizzaDay and if you’d like the EEA to give it a share then don’t forget to tag @EquestrianEmployers on facebook.

Good Employment Week runs from 18-24 November 2019, with a full schedule of useful practical features planned covering everything from top tips to getting the best out of your team to looking after yourself.

Follow the Equestrian Employers Association on facebook so you don’t miss out.







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