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Applications Now Open for Talent Spotting Career Pathway

18th June 2019
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For the first time the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE) talent spotting pathway will be opened up to young athletes across British Eventing, British Dressage, British Showjumping and Para Dressage, who would like the opportunity to excel in their sport.

The prestigious talent pathway, run by leading apprenticeship provider Haddon Training, has a limited number of spaces available to aspiring athletes who wish to develop their professional careers, both in and out of the saddle.

Chris Hewlett, Founder and Managing Director of Haddon Training said,

I am thrilled that all four disciplines have joined together to promote and develop their talent base through our AASE programme. Over the last six years it’s had far reaching results to people’s careers, not only in their equine skills, but also their personal growth. The programme has produced outstanding performances from individuals, many of whom have gone on to be hugely successful both as riders and the development of their own businesses.

International Showjumper and World Class Trainer Andrew Saywell coaches on the AASE programme and said, “AASE is a springboard to riders who aspire to perform at top level by providing access to a range of vocational experts and training from internationally acclaimed coaches.”

The 2019 programme will begin in October and as part of the pathway applicants will have access to a number of training camps throughout the year, as well working towards a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence which includes learning a range of additional skills comprises of career planning, physical health, performance psychology, communication and managing the media.

Up and coming equine athletes who are successfully competing in British Eventing, British Dressage, British Showjumping and Para-Dressage are now invited to apply.

To find out more about the criteria and how to apply go to Haddon Training.  










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