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Launch of Employers Minds online resource

13th May 2019
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To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, 13-19th May, the Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) have launched Employers Minds online which provides tools to support mental health including a mental wellbeing checker, self-help zone, video scripts and real life case studies.

In addition Employers Minds provides employers with advice and guidance on how to be a good and caring employer in the equestrian workplace.

Sylvia Bruce, a mental health in the workplace consultant who helped develop the resource commented: “It can be ‘tough at the top’ running any business, being its ‘go-to’ person. But, where do they go to for any help and/or support for themselves, or their employees’, mental well-being matters?

Employers Minds will be that go-to resource for equine employers. It provides industry centric, confidence-boosting and practical well-being support.”

International Event Rider Matthew Wright added, “It is hugely stressful running your own business, mainly because of the amount of pressure you are constantly under. I have suffered from manic depression, even contemplating at times taking my own life when life got very tough for me.

I felt like a constant failure and it all spiralled out of control very quickly. Once you start the downhill spiral, it is incredibly difficult to overcome it alone. My family and close friends helped me to fight my mental health issues. But I also believe until you can admit to yourself that you have a problem, you find it highly offensive anybody trying to help you, as you are in constant denial. This is where having information online will allow people to self diagnose and become aware they have a problem. Employers Minds is the starting point to getting help.”

The Employers Minds online project has been generously supported by British Dressage, British Showjumping, British Eventing, the British Horse Society, the Pony Club and World Horse Welfare.

For more information click here. #EmployersMinds #Youarenotalone







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