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BGA launches Grooms Minds online resource

10th October 2018
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In collaboration with World Mental Health Day, 10 October, the British Grooms Association (BGA) launches Grooms Minds online which has eight areas to support mental health including a mental wellbeing checker, self-help zone, video scripts and real life case studies.

The BGA has developed these online resources in response to its survey last year which revealed that over 70% of grooms have been bullied (including being the recipient of derogatory comments) within the workplace, either by their employer or by fellow workers and 83% of grooms who responded are suffering from stress and/or mental wellbeing problems.

Just 12 months on, the BGA now has a strong message of ‘You are not alone.’ For so many grooms this will become invaluable and life changing.

Sylvia Bruce, a mental health in the workplace consultant who helped develop the web pages commented: “Grooms Minds is vitally important because it promotes the principle of talking mental health matters and encourages members’ mental health awareness and confidence.

In addition it will enhance the profession, industry brand and reputation; aspiring to create more empathic, compassionate and supportive working environments thus attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent – surely a win/win for everyone involved.“

Executive Director of the BGA and EEA, Lucy Katan says, "The results from the survey were quite shocking and highlighted how important this piece of work is for the whole industry. The BGA online resources will allow employers to help support their employees by giving them a place to go and get help, should they need it.

"The next stage of the Grooms Minds project is to roll out the same support for employers, which will be hosted on the EEA site. We recognise that running your own business also comes with it's own set of mental and physical demands and we are here to help you too."

The Grooms Minds online project has been generously supported by British Dressage, British Showjumping, British Eventing, the British Horse Society, the Pony Club and World Horse Welfare.

#GroomsMinds #Youarenotalone









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