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Clippersharp joins the EEA

20th June 2018
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The EEA is delighted to welcome Clippersharp to their portfolio of respected sponsors.

Recognised for their wealth of knowledge and the quality of the service they provide, Clippersharp specialise in the repair, servicing and blade sharpening of animal clippers and trimmers as well as scissor sharpening and sharpening of combs and cutters. In addition, Clippersharp stock Smart Grooming’s range of humane Smart Grooming Products, including the well known and innovative Smart Tails and Smart Manes. 

The Smart Grooming brand of equestrian grooming products was established in 2006, winning ‘Best product of the Year’ with their initial product, Smart Tails at Equestrian Business of the Year Trade Show. This product has proved hugely successful over the years and is now an essential tool for every grooming kit.

EEA Communications Director Liz Daniels says, “We are delighted to welcome another reputable brand who shares our ethos and focus on high quality products and services, coupled with an emphasis on education and wellbeing. We are really excited to be working together with these key aspects in mind.”

Vicky Goody, Sales and Marketing Director for Clippersharp, says “This is a great opportunity for us to be linking up with the EEA as we are keen to impart our knowledge and advice gained over the last 25 years of being in the clipper industry. Being a specialist in this field, we are delighted to find an organisation that can benefit from our expertise, and are excited to be able to work together on a number of projects which will inolve professionals registered with the EEA.”

For more information on Clippersharp go to: and the humane Smart Grooming range go to

If you'd like to take advantage of Clippersharp's special June offer of 50% OFF clipper servicing please visit their facebook page for information on how to redeem. 





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