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EEA Launch Staff Handbook Creator

17th May 2018
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We are delighted to introduce the EEA Staff Handbook Creator, a quick and easy online legal document allowing you to detail your business policies, procedures and rules.

Professionally written by leading Equine Law specialists Clarke Wilmott LLP, this new online tool contains a wide selection of policies to comply with employment law, and policies which employers can tailor specifically to their own business needs.

Nicole Adams, Solicitor from Clarke Willmott LLP said, “Under the Employment Rights Act 1996 employers are required to provide details of their disciplinary and grievance procedures to their employees. However, issuing a full staff handbook with additional policies – such as equal opportunities, absence management and social media policies – has a number of benefits.

For example, it is one way that an employer can clearly set out the standard of conduct which is expected from its staff, it provides guidance to managers in terms of how to handle a particular situation, such as sickness absence, and ensures that all staff are treated in the same way. The staff handbook is something that all employers should issue to their staff and so we are delighted to have been able to assist the Equestrian Employers Association with the preparation of one that is specific to the equine industry.”

Sally Warwick from Long Lane Equestrian tested the EEA Staff Handbook Creator and said “I have just tried the handbook. It’s brilliant and very easy to use. It covers every eventuality so gives me some peace of mind.”

The EEA Staff Handbook Creator is part of the comprehensive employment toolkit provided to members of the EEA as an inclusive benefit of membership. Click here to get started.






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