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BGA Launch Groom's Minds Support Line

14th May 2018
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As part of the on-going Groom’s Minds mental health awareness project the British Grooms Association (BGA) have launched the Groom’s Minds Support Line – supported by Racing Welfare, a telephone helpline for BGA members.

The free helpline is a significant step forwards for the equestrian industry and has been provided for those grooms having challenges within the workplace, or life in general, and who need someone to talk to. It offers callers confidential support and advice on a range of mental health and wellbeing issues, provided by trained helpers.

Simone Sear, Director of Welfare at Racing Welfare said, "We are delighted to be to collaborating with the British Grooms Association on this project. We recognise that a number of the BGA’s members will fall under the care of both organisations and as such we are very happy to be able to offer assistance to its members through our established support line.

We look forward to developing our partnership with the BGA and feel that building associations between racing with the wider equestrian community, combined with the sharing of knowledge and resources that goes with this, can only be a positive for those working within the equine industry as a whole."

Lucy Katan, Executive Director of the BGA added, “A survey conducted by the BGA in October 2017 revealed that over 70% of grooms have been bullied (including being the recipient of derogatory comments) within the workplace, either by their employer or by fellow workers and 83% of grooms who responded are suffering from stress and/or mental wellbeing problems.

The provision of the Groom’s Minds Support Line is a significant step forwards in offering grooms across the industry the fundamental emotional support they need and one we are exceptionally proud to be able to provide.”

The Groom’s Minds Support Line offers a 24 hour, 7 days a week service, with a trained helper always ready to talk. To find out how to access the support line visit our Grooms Minds pages.

The launch of the Groom’s Minds Support Line coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place 14-20 May 2018, with the theme for this year being stress.

The Groom’s Minds Support Line – Supported by Racing Welfare is a Collaboration between the BGA and Racing Welfare. More information on Racing Welfare can be found here.

For more information on Mental Health Awareness Week visit



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