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The Haddon Training British Grooms Awards 2017

16th October 2017
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With the continuing media coverage facilitating the rising awareness of the important role grooms play in their rider’s success and none more so than ever of those who supported the Team GBR riders at the Longines FEI Senior European Championships together with those who supported the Pony, Children Junior and Young Rider European teams as quite rightly they played such a big part in the overall success of Team GBR.

Nevertheless, so many grooms do not receive the acknowledgement they deserve for their hard work and commitment to the equines in their care, however, through the Haddon Training sponsored British Grooms Awards this provides an opportunity for these often unsung heroes of the equestrian industry to be recognised and rewarded.
Chris Hewlett, Managing Director of Haddon Training said, “Whilst the continuing media coverage is excellent in raising awareness of the valuable role grooms do play, particularly at elite level, I hope by sponsoring the British Grooms Awards it demonstrates the importance that is placed on all grooms who are the backbone of the equine industry and who very rarely get identified and recognised for all their hard work.”

The winning recipients in the five categories of the Haddon Training British Grooms Awards will be presented with their awards at the annual British Breeders Awards Dinner in London.

The categories and criteria for the Haddon Training British Grooms Awards 2017 are:

The Haddon Training British Grooms Award
Open to all grooms in the equestrian industry working in the UK; those working in competition yards, riding schools, polo yards, welfare centres, trekking centres and studs will be equally eligible and can include self-employed and full-time grooms. A runners up Award will also be given in this category.

The Haddon Training Team GBR Grooms Award
Who, in the opinion of the judging panel, has made an outstanding contribution as a groom who supported any British equestrian athlete at the FEI Longines Senior European Championships 2017 in the following disciplines: - Dressage, Driving, Endurance, Eventing, Reining, Showjumping, Vaulting and Para-Equestrian Dressage.

The Haddon Training Team GBR Pony, Children, Junior & Young Rider Grooms Award
Who, in the opinion of the judging panel, has made an outstanding contribution as a groom who supported any British equestrian athlete at the Pony, Children, Junior and Young Rider European or World Championships 2017 in the following disciplines: - Dressage, Driving, Eventing, Showjumping and Vaulting.

The Haddon Training Yard Manager Award
Must have a minimum of 5 years working in the Equine industry within the UK, of which 2 of those years managing a busy stables or yard demonstrating the highest standards in equine care and management with the ability to share this knowledge with others, whilst displaying a natural aptitude and empathy in his/hers management skills and a high level of integrity.

The Haddon Training Apprentice Award
Must be a Horse Care apprentice and can only be nominated by their employer. The apprentice must be on their apprenticeship programme for a minimum of 9 months and can still be nominated for another 6 months after completion. The judges will need supporting evidence from their training provider to confirm they are in-learning/ have completed their apprenticeship.

Nominations are now open and to nominate a candidate for the Haddon Training British Grooms Awards, follow this link to complete the online form, alternatively you can also submit your nomination via video by submitting a link to the video on YouTube, or an alternative Cloud storage website (Dropbox/ We Transfer).

Nominations open Monday 16 October and close Friday 17 November 2017. Nominate a #supergroom today.

Image of 2016 winners. 







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