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BEF Youth Pathway Applications

2nd October 2017
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Applications for the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) Youth Pathway Coaching Programme are now open.

The new 18 month programme, starting from January 2018 and supported with funding from Sport England, has been developed in collaboration with the Equestrian Olympic and Paralympic disciplines and is designed to develop coaches currently working within the Youth Pathways, to give them more insight into the holistic approach to athlete development which nurtures potential from a young age.

Topics covered will include professional development, how to support and develop the young athlete's personal identity and confidence, understanding the impact of environments and appropriate coaching strategies for the key cognitive and physical development stages.

Applications are being taken from Monday 2 October until 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 31 October 2017. Interviews will be held on 20 / 21 November 2017.

Applications are invited from coaches within dressage, para-dressage, showjumping and eventing, who reside in England and hold a UKCC Level 3 qualification in their relevant discipline or are a listed British Eventing coach.

The selection criteria and application forms can be found here.

All programme queries from potential applicants should be directed to Georgie Wheeler: / Tel: 02476 698904.





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