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Groom's blunder results in a FEI ban

25th July 2017
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How much do you know about how to avoid an anti-doping rule violation? How much do your grooms know about how to ensure that a prohibited substance is not given to your top competition horse? 

The following recent case brings keeping clean in sport once again into the spotlight and highlights how important anti-doping education is. 

"All grooms that work in a competition yard should gain their Groom Clean certification," says BGA Chief Executive, Lucy Katan, "It is an engaging, online e learning course which delivers a good understanding of the importance of keeping Clean and how to do so.

I urge all riders to insist that all of their staff get their certification - the consequences are not worth the risk."

The full story can be read here, but here are the details: 

An error by a groom while making a purchase at Walmart supermarket has resulted in US-registered rider Paige Johnson being suspended for one year and fined 2000 Swiss francs after her horse tested positive for pramoxine.

Johnson was also ordered to contribute 3000 Swiss francs towards the cost of the judicial procedure before the FEI Tribunal.

She will receive credit for having served more than three months of a provisional suspension, imposed following confirmation of the positive test.

The case involved the horse Luke Skywalker 46, ridden by Johnson in a CSI2* jumping event in Wellington, Florida, from January 17 to 22.

Blood and urine samples were taken from the horse on January 21 for testing.

The testing revealed the presence of pramoxine, a local anaesthetic used to relieve pain and itching. It is classified as a banned substance under the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List.

Groom Clean is free for BGA members, or costs just £14.50 to gain a Certification. 







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