Tullis’s top employment tips
16th November 2021
EEA Chairman Tullis Matson is the Founding and Managing Director of Stallion AI Services Ltd and employs 20-25 staff.
Looking after his team is something which is close to his heart which is reflected in the incredibly low turnover of staff. On Good Employment Week 2021 we asked Tullis for his top tips on being a successful employer.
Good employment is one of those things you want to do for your employees to make sure they feel valued. As an employer, you have a legal and moral, obligation to look after your employees to support them to do the best job that they can.
Communication I think that you have got to have good communication between yourself and your employees, which sometimes can be difficult, but it is really vital for keeping those employees happy. It is important that your team can actually come to you if there are any issues and that they don’t feel frightened to do that. |
Upskilling I also think it is good to try and raise their skill levels all of the time, this might be by going on courses, but it is a way to make them feel valued and making sure they don’t feel like the job is becoming mundane, whilst allowing them to progress up through the career ladder.
Upskilling your staff also has huge rewards for your business and may allow you as a business owner and leader, to delegate some responsibilities which will then allow you more time to focus on other parts of the business.
Be legally compliant More important than anything is to make sure that you are legally compliant. Paying the proper wage for the job your employees are carrying out is obviously crucial, but also ensuring that your team get their days off and are allowed to take holidays, all makes for a happier employee which is great for both you and them.
Be aware of what responsibilities you have as an employer so that you can make sure everything such as insurance, health and safety and risk assessments, are all properly carried out and in place.
Going the extra mile At Stallion AI Services we like to do that something a little extra. We do employee of the month, have regular team nights out and everyone’s birthday gets celebrated with a cake and a card. There are lots of ways you can go that extra mile to make people feel valued and the rewards you will get back are far more advantageous than the effort it takes to implement these things. |
The Equestrian Employers Association has been created to help employers of all sizes of business to be compliant, thereby helping you to protect your business. Your team are key to the performance and development of your business which is why looking after them is so important.